They need the caps to make the content last longer. It's an easy way of making it seem like the game is filled with more content than it is . It actually takes away from the game. It becomes very repetitive and boring. I've known many players to unsub because of this. The currency is all ready difficult to get because it comes in small quantities and buy Blade and Soul Gold the Armors are expensive. They need to copy some elements from FFXI.
It is very boring, and in a few months they'll replace it with another armour grind, and previous content will be obsolete. People asking for xbox one version should know by now. Phill Spencer stated in an interview about 1 month ago. That the xbox one will not get this game. disapointement after another... this brand does not do any customer research whatsoever the glory days of FF 7 8 and 9 are long gone...story wise and gamemechanics u should sell they brand to someone who cares. Lol it's just a different style of game. Buy FFXIV Gil And you don't know anything about the story because you haven't played. I can tell you don't know the story because if you did then you'd know that the story is one of the best driving aspects of this game.
The main storyline is really well done, especially leading into Heavensward. Not sure what you're going on about lol. Whilst I agree that the games in the franchise arguably revolve around the popularity of 7-10, games of that era don't belong in modern gaming. Times change and with it, so does gaming.
I don't think the actual story has been a let down in any game in the series, the execution has been questionable (too much text in 13), game mechanics have been experimental, some good and some bad.
FF14, to me is a fantastic game with regards to story and mechanics. Customisation of stats is a let down as far as mmorpg's go but no one ever said it was perfect. U got a good point there..thats kinda what i ment that lost legacy of 7 to 10...stil so hoping to see that again with a new story the depth of 10 and ofc updated graphs specially with playstation vr compatibility as that developer will be using it.