
Stop Eating Dumpling hajoon

You have to send them an e-mail explaining what's happening, I had that same problem a few months ago, I sent them an e-mail to appeal@ncsoft.com and they responded really quick, it took a few days but my account was recovered, I ended up deleting it as it was use for spamming and sell gold, creating bad rep for it.... i click on submit ticket, Blade and Soul Gold but it ask me to log in, but it don't want couse my email is not correct. Angel Soulless Roman Thanks. I hope it ll help.

Love the one with Poharan in the witches outfit. this is a pumpkin worth smashing. bns fix your countdown bug in xserv. what you have done with 6v6 matchup system? make a good maintenance of the game. Stop Eating Dumpling hajoon . Untl what time is the maintenance? TOMORROW: Join Community Manager Bethany Stout and Associate Producer Jonathan Lien in the Beluga Lagoon on.Just started playing BnS enjoyable game for most part, but one of the most bothersome things about it after playing Gw2 and Tera no Account wide storage.

Greetings Opaw Na Kalbo! Buy Blade and Soul Gold The appeal@ncsoft.com is legit. You can send them an email if you think the account lock was unjustified. Thanks! Yeah lets all play Battlegrounds is well Balanced players with Legendary weapon vs Oathbreaker weapon well balanced stats. Plus lots of Down Syndrome people who dont know how to Play a Domination map that requires to Defend a single base, rather they love to roam and lose, cause players loves kills... just do Arena if u like so much to kill or just go Crimson and attack the 70% pop of Ceruleans...

Hi Blade & Soul I love your game an all but when are you guys gonna do a better job removing the gold spammer's i mean its hard to find people in shout or in whisper when you have gold bots cutting you off, hence the reporting doesnt do much since they keep coming back aside from that keep doing what you guys are doing. Pls fix warlock's thrall bug stuck in combat & first person view bug when will enter dungeon via cross server,Thats so annoying.

