
BlizzCon 2014 Costume Contest participant

BlizzCon 2014 Costume Contest participant

Be nice folks. Celebrate someone who enjoys what they are doing in life. Oh yeah, ignore all the hard work and effort she put in. Go ahead and stoop low by mocking her body. Classy, people.

As a lover of Night Elves, I think she did justice on this cosplay! The ears, makeup, and overal crafting was done buy FFXIV Gil amazingly!! She should be very proud of her work, as it's something worth praising.   I'm not a social warrior. I'm a person who is learning how to sew and realizes how much work this woman put in and I applaud her for it. It's not about being politically correct, it's called being a decent human being. What's wrong with fat people? Maybe ALe The Door likes fat night elves?

Because shallow people need to pull others down to keep them company in the dreary pit which is their life. Girl made a whole costume out of LEATHER, for crying out loud. she's legit as hell.

I actually know this person. I know (allegedly unlike some others) took the time to painstakingly make her costume. I know she is a great person and fun to hang with and talk to. I know she is comfortable with her image and confident enough to step on that stage. I'm sorry that anyone who feels the need to make negative comments, and who likely need to tear someone down to make themselves feel good. She would never do the same as she doesn't need to. She's better than the entire lot of FFXIV Gil you put together.


DFO ps3 controller

Yeah but ps3 controller does not seems to be recongnized. I will retry to set the buttons using dfo instead of xpadder. As long as the controller program doesn't mess with the game files then you should be ok. I use pinnacle profiler and it's so much better then any ingame support for most games DFO Gold.

 The game doesn't recognize triggers or allows you to set your d-pad as hotkeys for skills/potions, so while not 100% necessary: No, Xpadder is NOT wasted hard drive space. Also, if you consider the whopping 4MB it takes up a space issue, i've got bad news for you...

 I've always used logitech profiler with my gamepad for DFO (as well as other games)
So xpadder is kinda similar so i don't see why it would get you banned as its a tool that isnt used for cheating but for using peripherals.

I used to use it but i just adapted to the keyboard controls. If i didnt like somethin, i just changed it. Either the skill or the hotkey to another key/button. Overall, i think i got the R1 and L1 buttons to work, it was still fun and it didnt improve my game neither. The hassle i had was still using the keyboard for specfic things while using the controller cheap DFO Gold . Or plugging the controller in or out, which either turned on my PS3 and had to turn it off to play dfo or possibly had to restart dfo for my controller to work. It was worth it tho. At least to me.



1st Print Edition , they wrote it again and again , Buying it Day One was meant to "secure" the 1st print edition.  I just feel like I made sure to preorder so I was eligible for the extra demo and it seems like FFXIV Gil they are still giving it out like candy to anyone who buys the game. I understand that it benefits them as a company when it comes to their future sales of FF XV, but it also seems like the hype was for nothing and those of us who rushed to preorder the game are shown no loyalty in return. I guess I am simply too idealistic to expect loyalty from any company.

I bought the Day 0 edition new.. and didnt get buy FFXIV Gil a code with it for the demo? should it have been in the case? or printed on the receipt? or on the disc.. i questioned it as i bought it.. and the shop keeper said its on the disc.. so i'm starting to think he sold me a used copy of the game.  In the case , a sheet with an image of Noctis and a tutorial to downlaod the demo .

Nope. Nothing in there. Took the game back and got a refund. Refuse to be scammed. Will justwait for the game.

 Is there an online resource for info about how well a video game is doing in sales?


spam in DFO

I played Nexon DnF... I know how Mega's work. And I know a lot of players of this community are returning players from that community.

That didn't change.
buy DFO Gold
People would still buy them in game and spam them even with them being Cash items.

And like I said, if you need to sell something, there is AH and there are forums. Use those, quit flooding the game. Most of us don't even care what you guys are selling, because 90% it doesn't fit our current needs of usage, let alone future.

And it's so "easy" to ignore DFO Gold when you are in a dungeon, and fighting monsters in the Top left corner when you are playing in FULL format. It's been six months since I've even though about any of this so fining it may take some time but I'll give it a look anyway in hopes that it might still work.


FP system is good for DFO

It's not unreasonable that many people don't understand the purpose of the FP system in this version of the game as it is indeed confusing. It was originally in the korean version to limit gameplay yes, but we are using it here in our version primarily to buy DFO Gold and combat the modern internet world that can easily hack every aspect of this game that was programmed a decade ago EXCEPT for the FP system as it's a serverside number.

It just so happens this already existing FP system, while originally for a different purpose, dramatically assists in controlling these automated bots as they cannot level endlessly 24/7 clearing dungeons within seconds. These bots will run out of FP in 10 minutes and have to wait till the next day, slowing them down SO exponentially that they can feasibly be dealt with. They cannot farm gold to sell until they are at the level cap, and they cannot reach the level cap for ~3 weeks instead of less than 1 day. Even if some somehow make it to level cap undetected, they will still be limited by FP and only be able to farm as much as a regular player in the end, rather than getting to spend 400 Blitz points on 100 accounts and DFO Gold every day.

Thank you very much for your dedication. This experience should help you recognize that you have a lot of true fans out here.