
Looking forward to Runescape HTML 5 Beta

I do agree, EoC itself wasn't a bad update at all, I kind of like it. The thing i Don't agree with mostly is Squeel of Fortune. The Solomons shop doesn't bother me since it's all cosmetic and doesn't affect the game at all. Does it necessary to buy rs account to join it?

I loved the old combat system, but I also find the EoC to be very enjoyable. Most people complain because they can't accept change. Runescape is evolving. Just deal with it.

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To be fair, yes I was once one of the people who "quit" runescape due to the release of EoC but then found myself adapting to it in not so little time. There is 07 servers now, and if you remember 07 then you're most probably old enough to buy the membership to play it 

When html5 comes, how do you feel? It is easy to sell runescape accounts?

Things like Solomon are Jagex gearing up to make the game freemium model; which is better for all players. But sadly; people just complain and take for granted and don't understand the world of Game Devs. They want to be able to make sure they can adopt a freemium model and still profit; because without profit a game DIES.

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