
Flight Power of WOW

I think if you're on a PVE server there isn’t a problem with flying mounts but they definitely have a negative impact on PVP servers. I'm all for no flying mounts until level cap in new zones also as they just trivialise the journey which is what MMO's are meant to be about. Once you’re at the cap then it’s appropriate to have them for convenience and getting about but not before.
I agree flying mounts should be locked initially. But there is nothing like playing my Druid in Epic Flight Form and soaring across the world. Sometimes I get lost for literally hours just doing that. Flying high, flying low! Swooping down over a newbies head! It's exciting.
I actually dont like Flying Mounts. It hurts the longevity of the game. Specially now that they are being brought in at launch half the time. The idea of Exploration is one of the selling features, the second you get on a flying mount you fly up look down and go "OH thats whats its like" with the flying mount you can explore the entire planet in a day.
I have been playing this game since it was released. But sometimes for some reason i wish things would become simple like they were at launch. Less crowded areas no flying mounts and hard content.
Lots of improvements were made with MoP but too much rep grind and i wish they kept the cataclysm 5 man heroic formula.
Also the theme for this expansion isnt very appealing. Flakes and heals bright, days and Pandas ....
rather than Burning legions or an undead and dark world. I want the good old bad guys back. But still game is going foward ...
I hope their next expansion will come out sooner just cause this expansion theme, landscape and art made a lot of my friends and guildies leave the game.
Now comon take away those flying mounts and next xpac make us De-level  instead of leveling up. Either that or open a revamped vanilla server with rereleased remastered gradually released content
Wow man, are we still talking about this? Very original article thank you.

This is a subject that's never been discussed to death over the years and a subject that is worthy of discussion time and time again thanks to ongoing research and findings on the subject. Your article really tackles the issue in a different way and brings a fresh perspective!

I mean as a boring forum thread i would understand but as an article on a big mmo site, no.

