
The Quotes of WOW

I am as (potentially) excited over this new feature as anyone who has been dying for them to address the population problem, but in the interest of serving as a voice of caution, please let me share two fairly recent Blizzard Blue comments with you:
" ... WoW accounts cheap  yesterday we discussed low-population and faction-imbalanced realms with our developers. They have some pretty bold and spectacular plans for addressing this in anticipation of implementing some of the features we plan to in Mists. buy cheap WoW account  I just don’t have a lot of information to share with you at this stage of programming and development."
"[This will be] the first step toward improving the play experience when leveling on a low-population server. Sell WoW account The world will be more populated, opening up the possibility for you to make BattleTag friends who you can then invite on future adventures. World of Warcraft is meant to be a massively multiplayer role-playing game, so we want to give players on lower population realms access to a larger community to play with."
The first quote was from February 2012, the second from late September 2012, and the topic of each was, of course, CRZ. 
For better or for worse, I think we all know how well CRZ was greeted by the community.
I offer this because all we're reacting to is the potential of this fix, and everyone (myself included, below) seems to be getting overly excited over this most-welcome idea!  Personally, I will choose to remain cautiously excited without solid expectation.  It would be a shame for everyone to get their hopes skyrocketed, only to sink back into disappointment, QQ and rage when/if it proves to be less-than-perfect.
CR play was welcomed by those who had more than 2 brain cells.It was just the start of a fully integrated cross server game play.It was feared by the many WoW haters who drove some easy manipulated players into no mans land.But of course ... Now in the end ... It turned out as I predicted in patch 5.4 an eternal populated Azeroth, independant of population problems ...
Blizzard is MILES above the rest of the mmo bunch with this superb technology.
1.  Those unhappy with the CRZ glitches and problems are/were not WoW haters, they were CRZ haters.
2.  5.4 is months out from release and just released into the limited test environment within the last 24 hours.  Far too early to be calling this one a success (hell even GC said it mightn't appear in September).
3.  Perhaps someone out there is/was aware of or cares about your predictions and proclamations, but my guess is that no one is tracking the history associated with BenBosmans on WI.  Congrats on patting yourself on the back for a premature bit of public self-love, though!
4.  This is the exact same thing that most every single MMO on the market is already delivering, rather than Blizzard being "MILES" ahead of the rest, this is Blizzard playing catch-up.  Finally.
5.  Please do not mistake my responses here as Blizzard hate, WoW hate, or even BenBosmans hate (I think this might be the first time I've ever interacted with you, I've never seen you on here that I can recall).  Just sayin.

