
The Enchantments Change of WoW

No big changes for the classes i play most (monk, hunter, healer priest)... i was kinda expecting disc to get nerfed to the ground Buy WoW Accounts
Virtual realms is cool, tho i expect that my region (RU) will have it delayed like every other xrealm feature, my server still has no working XRZ and xrealm grouping is borked 90% of the time.Sell World of Warcraft Accounts
For a moment after reading about the new features I just wore a big stupid grin.
Have wanted Proving Grounds ever since I heard of it. Combined with the flexiraids and the virtual servers this looks like an excellent patch.
Okay, this makes me happy.WoW accounts for sale... but there is one other thing they could do.... re-give Intemitadion back as BM only too.
Silencing Shot is no longer a talent and is now an ability for Marksman Hunters.
Binding Shot is no longer a Marksman Hunter ability and is once again a talent.
I hope this goes a long way to fix server issues. Good call Blizz.
As for the title I call bollocks for titles having to have 3 people from the same realm for challenge modes. I found a great group and have 7 of the 9 fastest times for challenge modes. Am I just S.O.L. now?
It is because the fastest times are done BY REALM - only fair that at least 3 of the group need to be FROM that realm imo - sucks for you, and is a shame, but I do agree that as it is 'best in realm' the majority of the group SHOULD be from that realm - the same way I need at least 8/10 raid members to be from my guild to get guild achie.
Proving Grounds! :D :D :D You have no idea how much I've been waiting for this!
I like the sound of Virtual Realms - since CRZ isn't going away, I think VR's better than no VR. (Hopefully it won't cause any new issues like the freezing when crossing zone boundaries.) And yay for essentially removing the 11 characters per realm issue, as someone mentioned on the VR-specific post!
I don't play a Fury Warrior, but I'm so happy for you guys re: polearms :)
The item enchantment thing is interesting. I think I like it. It will probably mean that the... I think it's Wrath gems that already have no ilevel requirement and people put them in BC equipment for awesome stats. That probably won't work any more, because they'll scale down. But I'm not in that market, so it doesn't affect me.

