
PVE is nothing but a gear grind

To all the PVP'ers out there that say things like, "PVE is nothing but a gear grind", Where to sell World of Warcraft accounts  I present Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street: "Ultimately, we want WoW PvP to be about skill and gear and not just skill."

You are now welcome to remove the phrase "PVE is all about gear" from your list of comments about PVE.  Thank you.

PS - I'll be over here enjoying this show, because I see hilarity in my future
 "WOW PVP is trash", "WOW PVP is awesome".... Doesn't matter to me.  The fact that for YEARS PVP'ers have been griefing PVE'rs about the "gear grind" saying "PVP is more about skill than anything" and then having the lead dev say that's not the case.... Oh, that's just delicious.

 Did PvPers think that the difference between Honor Point and Conquest Point gear was purely cosmetic or something?  Of course better gear helps you in PvP.  If you have two players of equal skill, then chances are the one with better gear will win.  Why do people think this is some sort of shocking revelation? 
 Well, I think both pve and pvp ultimately come down to skill and gear. Very few people disagree with this aside from a few trolls on the forums.

I find your glee at GC stating the obvious very curious; it's like you took personal offense to a few trolls and decided they represent everyone who enjoys pvp. where to buy WoW accounts, whatever floats your boat.

