
Fury management and WotB uptime

Knowing how to manage your fury is a very important factor for barbs that use fury spenders, to be more succesful. This includes gaining as well as spending fury, especially when it comes to WotB uptime. It depends from build to build and on the given situation at what levels you want your fury to be, but before i explain this, let's take a look at ways of gaining and spending fury.

Ways to increase fury generation: Diablo 3 item

Many builds use/rely on BR:ItF. Here's how it works.
While under the effects of Battle Rage, Critical Hits have a chance to Diablo 3 account buy generate 15 additional Fury.

This tells us, that stacking CHC is beneficial for fury gen. Do note, that crits have a chance to generate fury, therefor the actual chance can be smaller than your CHC. To calculate the actual chance, you need to look at the proc coeficient of the abilities you are using. Diablofans user ZzEzZ has created a neat spreadsheet that covers this. If you wish to learn about it, visit his thread here: http://www.diablofan...-complete-list Diablo 3 account sell/

Other ways than your heroes CHC to increase fury gen:

Mighty weapon with Weapon Master (only 1h)
Animosity (passive)
Unforgiving (passive)
IK 5set bonus
In some cases AS/APS (RLTW)
Followers – Templar directly, Scoundrel with 3% CHC, Enchantress with AS (for RLTW)

Spending fury and WotB uptime cheap d3 gold:

It is obvious why generating/gaining fury is good. Spending it is equally importnat if you want to have a good WotB (Thrive on Chaos) uptime.

